Update - Performance and mobile

I've just posted a major post-jam update.

  • Fixed major performance issue when you get around 100 or more bots. The game should now play reasonably smoothly all the way through.
  • Fixed possibility of objects leaving the body and being stuck outside (they now get deleted if that happens).
  • Web: Now works on mobile devices (tested on Android).
  • Added support for touch input and game controllers. Input prompts now change based on input method.
  • Added an in-game menu for ease of restarting or entering fullscreen, with credits.

Thanks to everyone who played the game during the jam. The performance in the late game was a consistent theme, so I'm glad to have basically fixed that up now, and also added mobile support.

Play it on the web, or download a native build below.

- Matt


Patient Zero - Windows - post-jam version.zip 63 MB
19 days ago
Patient Zero - Linux - post-jam version.zip 57 MB
19 days ago

Get Patient Zero

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